ReNu MultiPlus® Multi-Purpose Solution provides a comfortable, healthy lens wearing experience for any soft contact lens user. The ReNu MultiPlus formula cleans, rinses, and disinfects your contact lenses – all from one convenient bottle – and ReNu MultiPlus Solution is trusted by over 20 million people and their eye care professional.

- World’s largest selling soft contact lens solution is ideal for all kinds of soft contact lens users. ReNu MultiPlus Brand is trusted by over 20 million contact lenses wearers and their eye care professionals.
- ReNu® MultiPlus® Multi-Purpose Solution – Tri-Action Formula is the solution that cleans, rinses, disinfects, and stores soft contact lenses and removes protein build-up when used daily — all steps in one bottle. Specially formulated to provide optimal lens care result with:
- HYDRANATE™ — proven effective at removing protein
- DYMED™ — proven to provide excellent disinfecting power
- Poloxamine — proven effective at removing lipids and environmental debris, and at maintainingwettability
- Makes your lenses feel like a fresh pair every day
- Safe lens storage for up to 30 days
- 10 years of safe, effective, all-in-one lens care
- Available in 120ml, 360ml and 500ml re-sealable bottles
ReNu MultiPlus® Lubricating and Rewetting Drops soothe and moisturize your eyes while you're wearing soft contact lenses.

- Contains Providone — a special lubticant that allows the lens to comfortably float on the cornea
- Long-lasting: keeps your eyes fresh and cool at all times
- Makes wearing contact lenses more enjoyable
- Use with daily, overnight, and disposable lenses
- Available in an 8ml bottle
WHO SHOULD USE RENU Multiplus Rewetting Drops
- People who frequently experience dry eye problems with their contact lenses
- People who wear lenses for long hours in dry weather conditions like air-conditioned environments
- People who work long hours on computers
We dispense quality lenses for best comfort and vision.