Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are delicately crafted, very thin optical discs generally smaller than a dime, worn directly on the eye. They are comfortably held in place by a natural layer of tears present between the contact lens and the cornea. Contacts eliminate the barriers encountered with spectacles that interfere with the line of sight above, below and to the sides of the eye, offering outstanding peripheral vision. In addition, contacts can reduce or eliminate the image distortion sometimes caused by eyeglasses.
Daily-wear soft lenses |
Daily-wear disposable soft lenses |
Extended-wear soft lenses |
Extended-wear disposable soft lenses |
Frequent & planned replacement soft lenses |
Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) |
These are available in both prescription and non prescription. With these lenses you can change your eye colour to suit the look you are trying to create. Examples of some colours available are as follows:
We dispense quality lenses for best comfort and vision.