Online Eye Test
- Take 2 steps back from your computer screen (approximately 1 meters).
- Close your left eye and read the numbers on the chart with your right eye.
- Repeat step 2 by reading the numbers with your left eye.
Snellen Chart
2 8 3 5 4 7
7 4
6 2 8 2 1
7 2 6 4 8 3 5 2
3 8 7 5 2 1 4 9
9 3 7 4 2
If you have any trouble reading any of the numbers above, click here to make an appointment with us for a comprehensive vision examination, which will include testing for Glaucoma and Colour Vision as routine.
If you didn't have any trouble reading any of the above numbers - your visual acuity seems to be good - but this does not necessarily mean that there is a lack of refractive error or pathology, especially if you are over 40. It is still important to have your eyes checked regularly to ensure and maintain ocular health!
Presbyopia is an age-related process that occurs sometime around the age of 40, causing symptoms of blurred vision for near distances such as reading.